Flu Information
Like it or not Flu Season is upon us. We have gathered some resources below for you to be best prepared to keep this illness out of your family. Also don't forget, Flu Vaccines are available now! Shelby Pediatrics recommends a Flu Vaccine for everyone over the age of 6 months.
Does my Child have the FLU?
Common Myths about the FLU
Read over some common myths about the Influenza Virus
Additional Resources
Treating Minor Sprains and Strains
Strains are are injuries to muscle due to overstretching, or hyper-extending. On the other hand, sprains involve a stretch or partial tear of the ligament connecting two bones or of the tendon connecting bone to muscle. Sprains are typically more common in teens and young adults that in younger children. The constant stop-and-go puts ankles and knees at risk to these type of injuries. Learn more about how to treat these sprains and strains and how to prevent them from happening!
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9/15/11 |